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Blog Articles

What to Expect During Your Workers' Compensation Exam

Workers’ compensation exams play a critical role in helping you get the medical treatment and financial support you need following a workplace injury. If you’ve never had a workers’ compensation exam before, here’s what you need to know.
Jul 24th, 2024
Why Is Weight Loss More Difficult After 45?

Why Is Weight Loss More Difficult After 45?

For most of us, weight loss is always somewhat challenging. But as you age, that challenge can become even harder. Here, learn how your age may play a role in your attempts to drop those stubborn pounds.
Jun 19th, 2024
When to See Your Family Physician About a Fever

When to See Your Family Physician About a Fever

A fever is a sign of illness, but it’s not all bad news: Fevers can help your body fight off dangerous germs. The key is knowing when a fever needs medical treatment and when it’s OK to take a wait-and-see approach.
May 10th, 2024

5 Reasons to See an Occupational Therapist

Occupational medicine is focused on keeping workers healthy and reducing health risks on the job. Here, learn five important reasons why you should consider seeing one of our occupational medicine specialists today.
Mar 1st, 2024

When Do I Need Blood Work vs. a Urine Test?

Urine tests and blood tests provide important information about your overall health and wellness. But which test is the better choice for you? Here, learn when each of these tests is used — and why both are important for your health.
Feb 8th, 2024

10 Conditions That Don't Require a Trip to the Office

Telehealth makes it a lot easier to get medical treatment for all sorts of health issues without the need to interrupt your schedule for a trip to our office. Here, learn 10 reasons when a telehealth visit can be a great choice.
Dec 6th, 2023
Is It the Flu or Something More Serious?

Is It the Flu or Something More Serious?

Fall’s cooler weather also means an increase in colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses. Let’s look at the symptoms that can help you tell if you have the flu or another illness that needs prompt medical care.
Nov 6th, 2023
I'm Really Struggling to Lose Weight

I'm Really Struggling to Lose Weight

Weight loss is never easy, and keeping pounds off once they’re lost can be just as difficult. Medical weight loss helps by tailoring your weight management plan specifically to your needs. Here’s how it can help you achieve your goals.
Oct 1st, 2023
Do I Still Need to Test for Covid?

Do I Still Need to Test for Covid?

Although no longer considered a public health emergency, COVID-19 still poses a serious health threat. Knowing when — or even if — you need to test is important for helping you and your loved ones stay healthy.
Jul 1st, 2023
I Think I Have an Opioid Addiction: Can You Help?

I Think I Have an Opioid Addiction: Can You Help?

Opioid addiction affects millions of Americans, and without medical help, breaking the cycle of abuse can be almost impossible. If you’re suffering from opioid use disorder, our team can help. Here’s how.
Jun 2nd, 2023
5 Benefits of Telemedicine

5 Benefits of Telemedicine

We all know medical care is important, but sometimes, getting to the doctor’s office can seem like a big hassle. With telemedicine, you can have your visit without leaving your home. Here are five ways this technology can help you.
Apr 1st, 2023
Why Are Physical Exams So Important?

Why Are Physical Exams So Important?

It might seem like a waste of time to visit your doctor when you feel fine, but having an annual physical offers lots of benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. In this post, we review seven important reasons why you should schedule your physical today.
Mar 1st, 2023
When Do I Need a Covid Test?

When Do I Need a Covid Test?

COVID-19 cases may be lower than they were during the height of the pandemic, but the risk of infection is still very real. Testing identifies the virus so you can get treatment as soon as possible. Here’s when you need to schedule a COVID-19 test.
Feb 2nd, 2023
3 Benefits of Occupational Medicine

3 Benefits of Occupational Medicine

Jobs are essential — but they can also be demanding. Occupational medicine helps minimize the risks of employment with health services aimed at helping workers stay healthy and recover after injury. Here are three benefits you should know about.
Dec 18th, 2022
Which Type of Physical Do I Need?

Which Type of Physical Do I Need?

Everyone knows physical exams are important. But did you know there are different types of physicals? Here’s how to tell which one you need.
Nov 1st, 2022
How Family and Primary Care Can Benefit Your Life

How Family and Primary Care Can Benefit Your Life

It’s easy to take health for granted — when you’re healthy. Having a primary care team on your side can help you stay well with custom care tailored to your needs. Here are six ways family and primary care can benefit you and your family.
Oct 1st, 2022
Ready to Lose Weight? Here Are 4 Ways to Help

Ready to Lose Weight? Here Are 4 Ways to Help

Medical weight loss is the key for many people who’ve struggled unsuccessfully to lose weight, taking an individualized approach that’s focused on each patient’s unique weight-loss needs. Here are four ways a medical weight-loss plan could help you.
Sep 1st, 2022
How Immigration Physicals Work

How Immigration Physicals Work

Immigration physicals are an important (and required) step on the pathway to U.S. citizenship. If you have an upcoming immigration physical, here’s what to expect and how to prepare ahead of time.
Aug 1st, 2022
Am I a Candidate for the Telehealth Option?

Am I a Candidate for the Telehealth Option?

Telehealth offers plenty of benefits, helping patients get the care they need when and where it’s most convenient. But it’s not always the best choice for every patient. Here's how to tell if it’s right for your needs.
Jul 1st, 2022
What to Expect During Your Covid-19 Test

What to Expect During Your Covid-19 Test

COVID-19 testing is essential for detecting disease so you can play your role in preventing transmission. Here’s a quick overview of the two most popular COVID-19 tests and how they work.
Jun 1st, 2022
Managing Opioid Addiction: How We Can Help

Managing Opioid Addiction: How We Can Help

Opioid addiction can quickly consume your life and destroy your health and well-being. Quitting on your own is beyond challenging — it’s nearly impossible. Our team helps patients break the addiction cycle with compassionate, personalized care.
May 5th, 2022
We Offer Remote Visits: The Benefits of Telehealth

We Offer Remote Visits: The Benefits of Telehealth

Today’s telehealth visits are a modern version of the old-fashioned housecall, offering patients many of the same, important benefits. Here are seven reasons why you should consider telehealth for your healthcare needs.
Apr 12th, 2022