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Keung Lee, MD, PhD, MHA

Internal Medicine Physician located in Greensboro, NC

About Dr. Keung Lee

Keung Lee, MD, Ph.D., MHA is a physician practicing Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine in Asheboro, NC for over 20 years. Besides clinical practice, he serves as a principal investigator for over 75 clinical studies in the past 20 years, as well as a medical director and board member for a number of healthcare networks.

He received his medical degree from University at Buffalo--SUNY (Jacobs) in New York.
Completed his Internal Medicine Residency at Yale School of Medicine in Connecticut.
In addition, he currently holds a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular Biology and an MBA in Healthcare Administration. He also serves as a Civil Surgeon for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Dr. Lee wants to bring his many years of experience as an Internist and Clinical Research to the Triad Primary Care Team and help those patients struggling with opioid addiction.

Dr. Lee

Keung Lee, MD, Ph.D., MHA is a physician practicing Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine in Asheboro, NC for over 20 years. Besides clinical practice, he serves as a principal investigator for over 75 clinical studies in the past 20 years, as well as a medical director and board member for a number of healthcare networks.

He received his medical degree from University at Buffalo--SUNY (Jacobs) in New York.
Completed his Internal Medicine Residency at Yale School of Medicine in Connecticut.
In addition, he currently holds a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular Biology and an MBA in Healthcare Administration. He also serves as a Civil Surgeon for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Dr. Lee wants to bring his many years of experience as an Internist and Clinical Research to the Triad Primary Care Team and help those patients struggling with opioid addiction.

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Commonly Accepted Insurances

For your convenience, Triad Primary Care accepts a variety of insurance plans. Click on “View full list of companies” to see a list of commonly accepted insurances. This list is not entirely inclusive of all plans we accept. For specific insurance plan inquiries & eligibility, please contact your insurance provider.

Anthem BCBS
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
Cigna Health Spring
Coventry Health Care
First Health
Golden Rule
Medicare Advantage
Palmetto GBA
Premera Blue Cross
Regence BCBS
UnitedHealthcare Oxford